mExIco – sOunDs
The sounds of Mexico are so incredibly stunning and vibrant. I had the excellent fortune to ‘road test’ another one of the DPA microphones, this time it was the DPA 5100, their gorgeous surround sound mic, you can find an article I wrote on it in the ‘stuff’ section of the site, or online here: DPA Microphones help Daniel Blinkhorn capture multi-channel eco-acoustic recordings
Many people still practice some of the ancient rituals of their ancestors
I’m told parades are somewhat bountiful thrughout the country. This one was a lot of fun!
peaceful protests are often quite common too…nice to see complacency hasn’t set in;)
the sounds outside my studio window at CMMAS
and a fantastic multi-channel rooftop recording of a helicopter (when I was testing the DPA 5100) sadly, it’s somewhat lost as a stereo downmix…;(
Anyway, off to more tranquil and environmental parts of Mexico…
here’s a couple of dawn recordings of Howler monkeys eating in Punta Lagoona, as you can imagine, in surround sound they sound extraordinary;)
and another with a little chatter
rowing across the lagoon a little after dawn to check back on the spider monkeys! (once again, a little more interesting in surround sound;)
dawn recording bird chorus whilst testing the DPA 5100, Punta Lagoona
Sian Ka’an Biosphere bird rec 1
and even a lovely Sian Ka’an woodpecker happened along;)
Sian Ka’an Biosphere beach recording
Very fortunate to capture the daily migration of a family of endangered spider monkey’s at dawn in Punta Laguna
and surprisingly (given the very popular tourist destination that it is)
I was able to capture some lovely sounds in a park in Cancun;)
I’m still wading my way through materials from different trips, so please do check back from time-to-time for new content etc, thanks…;)