this section contains a number of both location-based recordings I made in the Arctic region of Svalbard,
as well as a little video footage, and excerpts of compositions I have made from field recordings. whilst originally in surround sound, you can listen to a selection of completed (creative) works in stereo from the release ‘frostbYte – one dog night’ here at:
glacial recording:
stereo recording of a glacier
across a small fjord (whilst snowing)
I recently completed a multichannel work at the wonderful ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany. the piece is inspired by ice carving, taking the eventual form of wildflowers that grow throughout the region. here’s an excerpt from the piece, entitled ‘frostbYte – wildflower’…:
wildflower excerpt
I fell in love with the beautiful underwater sounds made by iceberg fragments populating the fjords, and managed to precariously balance on-top of one such fragment to get some recordings…:
here are the actual sounds of the fragments:
and here’s a creative piece entitled ‘cHaTter’ I composed from the above recordings:
here’s an excerpt from a collaborative project I was involved with, drawing from various field recordings from the region and the wonderful, and highly skilful/ inspired talents of violinist Anna McMichael…:
frostbYte -drift_daniel blinkhorn_anna mcmichael
a recording can be downloaded as part of the release here at…: ‘open polar sea’
recording a stream under a layer of ice
frozen river recording
The wonderful Pianist Zubin Kanga commissioned a work for video, piano and ‘Arctic’ sound I entitled ‘frostbYte – chalk outline’
The piece was featured in his Australian tour ‘ Dark Twin’ and was performed and various cities around Australia.
you can find a video of the live performance on vimeo here (video courtesy of the production company Hospital Hill…)
frostbYte – chalk outline
ZUBIN KANGA – Daniel Blinkhorn // FrostbYte: Chalk Outline from Hospital Hill on Vimeo.
and the score for the work…:
frostbYte – chalk outline_piano score
Shoreline recording
relaxing whilst recording, bay of Alicehamna
relaxing & recording
recording a dinghy slewing
through an icefield
Another creative composition I made from the recording’s is entitled ‘frostbYte – red sound’. It’s again a multichannel composition,
is ‘loosely’ in 3 separate parts and here’s a small section from the 2nd ‘part’…(again, apologies for the low resolution of the mp3 format…;(
red sound excerpt
program note
this is an excerpt from the section that uses the slewing sounds recorded in the dinghy…:
red sound slewing excerpt
another (mono) hydrophone
recording of an iceberg fragment
one of many recordings capturing
the beautiful sounds of the icebergs underwater
mic & iceberg fragment
preparing to record on the ship
night recording snowfall on the deck
‘Playing with Fire’
A collaboration between myself,
Western Sydney University and Tamara Anna Cislowska
(apologies…a release date of the CD is still under wraps;)
frostbYte – CO2
I created a somewhat questionable audiovisual work
in multichannel sound for video and saxophone made from images
I captured in the Arctic. Having said that, I was very fortunate to have the wonderful talents of composer and saxophonist Matthew Burtner to collaborate & record/ premiere the work, for which I am eternally grateful;) Here’s a couple of stills and and very low res audio (128 kbps…apologies…uuurgh!) from the work entitled frostbYte – CO2
here’s a short video from the first section of the work…frostbYte – CO2 it’s overtly bombastic, but if you read the notes it might clarify the aesthetic…(maybe;(
the piece was recently (2018) released via ‘Sound Anthology’ in the latest edition of the ‘Computer Music Journal‘, MIT Press (Vol. 42, No. 1: 99-106)
note about the work:
frostbYte – CO2 is an ecoacoustic, audiovisual musing that situates two outspoken environmental commentators together. Former US vice president Al Gore has been sampled alongside former finance adviser to Margret Thatcher, Christopher Monkton. The piece swiftly moves from a somewhat technologically mediated audiovisual space (used to articulate the often vitriolic, distinctively 21st century ‘meta’ controversy surrounding climate change) through to its conclusion; a collection of field recordings and location film capturing parts of the high Arctic polar region. A region that, for better or worse remains manifestly unaware of the deeply polemic, heated debate surrounding its continued survival.
recording frostbYte – CO2
with Matthew Burtner –
Matthew and Cory Kasprzyk performing live in Alaska
and’s a highly questionable, and very brief listening score for the work