honoured to have recently participated as a jury member for the wonderful ‘Musica Nova 2023 – International Competition of Electroacoustic Music‘, Prague
Very excited to participate in this years ‘EN CHAIR ET EN SON#8’ premiering my new dance work collaboration with choreographer Jutta Mayer ‘cdot’, diffused on the MOTUS acousmonium, Paris (video excerpts coming soon;)
honoured to be a finalist in the ‘34th Prix Russolo International Competition’ The competition visits 10 countries, starting in Dublin, Ireland, then the UK, over to Japan, Canada and on to Europe … the results are announced during the final concert!
A complete honour to have won the ‘2nd Ise-Shima International Composition Competition Grand Prize‘ Japan, 2022
my work ‘unequal forms 1 – 3’ is currently being performed, then exhibited as part of ‘Climate Notes‘ …’a free, interactive exhibition’ at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne, from the 3rd to the 18th of September, 2022…*special thanks to violinist Anna McMichael and percussionist Louise Devenish for their wonderful contributions and performance!
excited to have my work included as part of Pianist Ann Duhamel’s wonderful ‘Prayers for a Feverish Planet’ – Music about Climate Change series of concerts, USA
Second International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Art Of Sound And Light”
‘unequal forms 1 – 3’ is being shown as part of ‘The Art of Sound and Light’ – Second International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Art Of Sound And Light”, st Petersburg, took place from OCTOBER 18–20, 2021
thrilled to have won the ‘Live Performance + Electronics’ prize, as well as the commission award as part of the International Coastal Futures Ecoacoustic Music Competition – 2021! The commission is to compose a new work for the ‘Ecosono Ensemble’ and the composition prize is offered through the ‘Coastal Futures Conservatory,’ , a joint initiative of the University of Virginia and Ecosono, USA
tremendously humbled to have been awarded an IAS fellowship at Durham University as part of their prestigious ‘Institute of Advanced Study‘, 2021-22, UK
my work ‘valiha’ has been selected for publication through the American publisher Petrichor Records, USA
pleased to share the recent re-release of my album ‘frostbYte – one dog night‘, published through the wonderful label ‘Audiobulb‘, UK (available in both stereo and surround sound formats through bandcamp, iTunes, spotify etc)
chuffed to have my work ‘frostbYte — wildflower’ diffused as part of the Sounddom Concert (binaural version), performed in the ‘Cube’ at ZKM | Center for Art and Media (Karlsruhe, germany) as part of the ‘Open House Day 2021
so pleased to have my work included within pianist Chryssie Nanou’s repertoire ‘The Known World‘ with recent performances at Cambridge university’s LASER series of talks and performances, 2020, UK
I have been extremely fortunate in receiving one of the ‘The University of Sydney Nano Institute‘ residency awards to compose music for ‘nanosonic stories’, based on the grand challenge of ‘Advanced Capture of Water from the Atmosphere’, a joint initiative involving scientist and artist academics at the university of Sydney
looking forward to a residency through the ‘Bundanon Trust‘, a residency program established by iconic Australian artist Arthur Boyd. I will be undertaking the residency in September, 2020 along with renowned Australian percussionist Daryl Pratt, Australia
excited to have received the audience vote prize, and 2nd prize overall for the 2020 Computer Space Awards, Bulgaria
shared a performance of my work ‘frostbYte – wildflower’ as part of Audiorama’s Headphone concert series, Sweden
very pleased to have been invited to share some of my work as part of the Estonian Music Days – 2020, Estonia
Photo: ARTIS – Uli Deck
frostbYte – wildflower’ performed in the ‘Cube’ at ZKM | Center for Art and Media (Karlsruhe, Germany) as part of the theme of ‘sustainability’ during the ‘Open House Day 2020
very surprised to have had my ecclectic radiophonic work terra subfónica (commissioned by the ABC and released in 2013 via Greunrekorder) included as part of ‘a closer listen’s’ – ‘Top 10 best Field recording and Soundscape Albums of the Decade’ – terra subfónica
I was extremely humbled to have a portrait concert of my work as part of the recent Musiques & Recherches ‘Festival L’espace Du Son‘ 2019. I also presented a masterclass and was part of the Jury for the international competition ‘Concours de spatialisation espace du son‘, with renowned composers Francis Dhomont, Francois Bayle, Hans Tutschku, Pete Stollery, and Annette Van Gorne.
Lunch with Friends @ Annette Van Gorne’s (photo’s by Bea Borgers, Sophie Delafontaine and daniel blinkhorn)
I composed a bespoke multichannel composition for performance and contributed as a panelist for ‘Arboreal Narrative’ Opening Event & Symposium, Grace Cossington Smith (AO OBE) Gallery, Sydney (an exhibition initiated/ curated by Louise Fowler Smth)
honoured to have my humble work ‘valiha’ (an electrocoustic work for Madagascan zither) given an honourable mention at the prestigious ‘Prix CIME 2019′!
the Sydney Opera House recently produced a short workshop video for primary schools children hosted by Karen pang from ABC’s Playschool. They very generously invited composer Paul Stanhope and myself to feature in the video and lead the workshop. A short video of it can be seen here:
extremely pleased to have a selection as part of the international calls for works ‘Espacios Sonoros’, 8-11 october, Palacio Zorrilla, Salta, Argentina
the premiere of ‘Timelapse’ occurred on Septemer 24, a collaborative large-scale work for percussion octet, video and electroacoustics, the brainchild of renowned percussionist Daryl Pratt, with EA by myself at the Music Workshop concert hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney
a short video excerpt from the final section of the octect can be viewed here:
performance as part of Playground Ensemble’s ‘Chamber Electronica‘ King Center Concert Hall, Denver, CO, USA
performance at the ‘9th international FKL symposium on soundscape‘
San Cesario di Lecce, ITALY, October 3-6, 2019
Very pleased my latest work, entitled ‘valiha’ won category A of the MA/IN Matera Intermedia Award, LOXOSconcept, Italy and will premiere at the festival in September, 2019.
I recently undertook a collaboration with the wonderful Dr Luke Hespanhol from the Faculty of architecture at USYD. Luke is the Lead Designer and Curator for The Footbridge Gallery, so as part of ‘Innovation Week’ at the University of Sydney we joined a panel on ‘the role of creative disciplines in bringing urban communities together’ then had our collaborative performance of ‘Phosphene’ for the Footbridge Gallery Launch;)
and a short promo video of the event
- note, the soundtrack accompanying the video is definitely not mine;)
selected for ‘wake up’ climate change! – Germany
Jonathan Gilmurray, the author of ‘Ecological Sound Art’, has mentioned some of my work in his recent text. (more at my ‘stuff’ page on this website)
very honoured to have my work kibuyu performed alongside esteemed electroacoustic composers at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2017 (couple of years old now;)
I recently composed the electroacoustics for a show at the Sydney Opera House entitled ‘There’s a Sea in my bedroom ‘, performed by the ACO (music by Paul Stanhope) collective and directed by Tim McGarry (the work was an adaptation of a renowned children’s book by Australian author Margaret Wild)
presentation/ performance at the 2019 ‘International Computer Music Conference‘ a joint initiative between the ICMC/ NYCEMF and Microsoft, New York University, New York City – USA
‘frostbyte – drift’ {for violin and electroacoustics} performed by virtuoso violinist Anna McMichael as part of the
‘Metropolis New Music Festival 2019’, Melbourne recital hall, Australia
performance at ‘DIFFRAZIONI MULTIMEDIA FESTIVAL‘ 2019, Florence -Italy
kibuyu presented at ‘SOUND/IMAGE: Exploring sonic and audio-visual practice, University of Greenwich, UK
kibuyu presented at ‘Audio Art Festival’, Kraków, 14 – 25 November 2018
my work kibuyu received an award as part of CIME 2017, and will be presented at the ‘6th General Assembly of the International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music (ICEM) in Beijing, October 25 to 27, 2018 as part of the ‘MUSICACOUSTICA-BEIJING‘ event organized by the EMAC at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music.
participation at the Australasian Computer Music Conference (ACMC) as part of this years ‘Through the Looking Glass‘, 41st MSA National Conference; 17tSymposium on Indigenous Music & Dance, Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
my work for violin and biomimetic’s from the north pole was recently performed by Anna McMichael as part of the ‘Extended Play’ festival at Angel Place, City Recital Hall, Sydney
very pleased to have my piano and av work frostbYte – chalk outline included in American pianist Chryssie Nanou’s repertoire for 2018- 2019
my audiovisual composition ‘frostbYte – CO2‘ (saxophone + multichannel AV – 2013), performed by EcoSono‘s Matthew Burtner has been published as part of the ‘Sound Anthology’ in the latest edition of the ‘Computer Music Journal‘, MIT Press (Vol. 42, No. 1: 99-106)
very pleased to have my new work gidro selected as part of SIME 2018 (Semaine Internationale de la Musique Electroacoustique)
Thrilled to be a featured artist at Elektro Arts 2018;)
my work kibuyu was selected for performance as part of the ‘Acousmatic Premiere’ call for works, and received a publication/release via CD by TEM (Taukay Edizioni Musicali, Italy) entitled ‘CONTEMPORANEA ACUSMATICA II’
kibuyu selected for performance as part of V.E.R-V. #2.1 – Music of Materials Conservatorio “B. Marcello”, Venice
kibuyu selected for performance as part of ‘Open Circuit 2017‘
Very humbled to have my ecoacoustic composition ‘cradle_caldera’ awarded an Honourable Mention in the ‘1st IANNIS XENAKIS International Electroacoustic Music Competition’, 2017
selection of my work frostbYte – red sound as part of ‘Elektro Arts 2017′, Babeș-Bolyai University, the University of Art and Design, and the “Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy Romania
Performance of a body of my work as part of the ‘Best Practice in Artistic Research symposium’. An international symposium held at the Sydney Conservatorium this year
Madagascar Artist-in-Residence ‘Les Toiles De L’isalo’, Madagascar
kibuyu selected for performance as part of ‘Sound-Image 2017‘UK
Kibuyu received 2nd Prize – X° Concurso de Música electroacústica – Fundación Destellos, Argentina, 2017
kibuyu received an ‘Honorable Mention’ at ‘Prix CIME 2017 – 35th General Assembly ‘The International Confederation Of Electroacoustic Muisc / Icem,‘ France/ Moscow
‘a place the night crashes into the sun’ received an Honourable Mention – VIII° Concurso de Música electroacústica – Fundación Destellos, Argentina, 2016
performance and artist-in-residence at ‘World Science Festival’, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.
cradle caldera selected as part of Prix Phonurgia Nova 2017, Groupe Selection Ars Acustica – ‘European Broadcasting Union’, France
I was asked to make an installation from my materials from Svalbard as part of a light and sound event projected onto the Sydney Conservatorium as part of the ‘Vivid Festival’, 2017
kibuyu selected for performance as part of ‘Matera Intermedia Festival MA/IN‘, Italy
‘frostbYte – Hornbækpollen’ will contribute to ‘0℃’, as part of an installation/ exhibition curated by ‘blanClass‘ artist-run space in Yokohama, Japan
my work is participating in the ‘Greenway Series: Wind Symphony‘ – ‘of Nature and Humanity’, Verbrugghen hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney
Ana Claudia Assis performed my work frostbYte – chalk outline as part of the Conservatorio UFMG • Diretoria de Acao Cultural Avenida Afonso Pena. 1534 I Centro
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Pianist Chryssie Nanou performed ‘frostbYte – chalk outline’ as part of the ‘Peabody Computer Music Consort’s “…fused into music…” at the Griswold hall, Peabody Institute, John Hopkins University, USA
my percussion work ‘a place the night crashes against the sun’ for percussionist and multichannel electroacoustics will be premiered by Fernando Rocha at the ‘12th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR)‘ São Paulo
upcoming residency at: CMMAS – Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras, Mexico
recent performance by pianist Ana Claudia Assis at Northern Arizona University, USA
work selected for the ‘art! ⋈ climate’ contest…a joint initiative involving the ‘Red Cross Climate Center‘ and ‘CEIARtE-UNTREF’, the Electronic Arts Experimentation and Research Centre at the National University of Tres de Febrero of Argentina.
‘Alcôme’ selection as part of a concert entitled « The Mirror » by L’équipe d’Alcôme, France
new release on vinyl by Exhibitronic collective. the release can be purchased here at: exhibitronic
a special thanks to the good folk at ‘A Closer Listen’ who recently included ‘frostbYte – one dog night’ as part of their popular
‘The Years Best Winter Music Feature‘
new release as part of the first Kinokophonography compilation…special thanks to Kinokophonography for the inclusion and for making my sounds always feel so welcome…!
you can check it out and help support their initiative via bandcamp…:
my first entirely acousmatic, multi-channel album ‘frostbYte – one dog night’ – via the label audiobulb UK is out now…
formats available: Stereo WAV, AC3 Encoded Surround Sound, PCM High Res Surround Sound – AudioBulb iTunes
There’s also a booklet to accompany the release you can download here…:PDF booklet
selected for a collective exhibition of multichannel works at ‘Hear Rooms’ – Spazioersetti International Exhibition, exhibition, Continuo associazione culturale, Udine, Italy
invited to share my work ‘in situ bacia’ (in the Amazon Basin) for perfromance on the renowned MOTUS system as part of – ‘LES SONS DU CLIMAT’ (the sounds of climate) – at the concert hall of the 2nd district, 8 rue de la Banque – Paris, France
very humbled to have received 2 first prizes (one of which was ex aequo) for different works in both categories at ‘>SYNC.2015’ – International Festival / Competition of Electroacoustic music and Multimedia, held by Yekaterinburg ElectroAcoustic Music Studio (YEAMS) at Ural State M.P.Mussorgsky Conservatory, Russia. A big thank you to the organisors, jury and director of the festival Tatiana V. Komarova for selecting the works…;)
frostbYte – wildflower’ selected for performance at ‘EMUFest’ – International Electroacoustic Music Festival – Conservatorio Santa Cecilia, Rome
(ambisonic dome, October, 9th)
‘frostbYte – wildflower’ has been selected to participate in ‘MUSLAB 2015’…The Festival will take place in 20 different venues in 9 cities of Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and France, with the support of 36 different Institutions : MUSLAB
DPA Microphones Capture The Audio Ambience of Africa : new article written exclusively for the DPA microphone ‘d:dicate™ 4006A Omni Microphone’ used throughout my recent solo African recording expedition
‘frostbYte – wildflower’ received the award of ‘Mention’ at the VIII° Concurso de Música electroacústica – Fundación Destellos, Argentina
‘frostbYte – red sound’ was selected as a lauréat for the international competition Le Festival ‘Exhibitronic#5’ with performances throughout Europe and South America including: Bogota – Columbia, Varsovie – Pologne, Karlsruhe – Allemagne, Berlin – Allemagne, Paris – France, Strasbourg – France, ile de Pag – Croatie, Plzeň – République tchèque
a huge thank you to Ana Claudia Assis & J.P. Olivera for performing my piano/ video work ‘frostbYte – chalk outline’ at both the ‘III Bienal Música Hoje – international festival of contemporary music – Capela Santa Maria – Espaço Cultural Entre sons e Imagens’ as well as ‘Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte’, Brazil
Selected for performance/ exhibition as part of ‘Ciclo Imagen & Resonancia III’, Cinema 1 Los Gallegos Shopping – Rivadavia 3050, Mar del Plata, Argentina, Foundation Destellos
a big thank you to pianist Chryssie Nanou for performing my work work ‘frostbYte – chalk outline’ at the 2015 International Conference on Computer Music, University of North Texas College of Music, Denton, Texas, USA