frostbYte is a moniker I use to describe my interests in biomimetic composition. Sometimes I perform under it as a pseudonym, and at other times it references works from specific regions. Irrespective I hope to share some of my field recordings, experimental compositions and sound/ image works throughout the site. frostbYte embodies biomimetic agency by observing ecological sensitivities, vitality and the naturally ordered continuities binding habitats of sound, place, people and space together.
To navigate the pages, please select a category from the selection at the top. The above pages [arctic, Africa etc] contain recordings from different places, presented as both field recordings, and as creative material that came about as a result of the field recordings. The actual names of each category (i.e. miscellaneous) contains a little information about each section, and each sub menu below a main title contains sounds & photos relevant to the location recordings.
I am continuously adding to this site, so please do check back from time-to-time… if you’d like to read and hear a little more of my work, check out the section under ‘db’